News & Update

Wellcome to Double Star Surgical Instruments, We have launched our new website with our latest available products range. 



  B e a u t y   I n s t r u m e n t s

Professional Hair Styling Scissors


ETS - 170 - 001


ETS - 170 - 002


ETS - 170 - 003


ETS - 170 - 004


Professional Hair Styling Scissors Titanium Coated


ETS - 170 - 005


ETS - 170 - 006


ETS - 170 - 007


ETS - 170 - 008


Professional Nail Cutters


ETS - 170 - 009


ETS - 170 - 010


ETS - 170 - 011


ETS - 170 - 012


Precision Tweezers




ETS - 170 - 013


ETS - 170 - 014


ETS - 170 - 015


ETS - 170 - 016


Shaving Razors


ETS - 170 - 017


ETS - 170 - 018


ETS - 170 - 019


ETS - 170 - 020


ETS - 170 - 021


ETS - 170 - 022


ETS - 170 - 023


ETS - 170 - 024


Quality built surgical instruments according to customers requirements at competitive price.